
What Role Allows Continuous Grant Submission

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Continuous reporting

At the beginning of each project, a beneficiary will receive a notification that the continuous reporting module is activated and they can contribute to it on an ongoing basis. It is continuously open for the beneficiaries to submit deliverables, to report on progress in achieving milestones, to answer to the questionnaire on different issues as soon as their own data are available.

As a beneficiary, you can and should submit information on the following web-tables that will go automatically into the Part A of the periodic technical reports.

Part A structured tables

The Cover page is automatically filled in with your project data.

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1. Summary for publication

  • You must provide a separate summary for each periodic report (just update the summary for the previous period).

Required sub-tables

  • Summary of the context and overall objectives of the action
  • Work performed from the beginning of the action to the end of the period covered by the report and main results achieved so far
  • Progress beyond the state of the art and expected potential impact (including the socio-economic impact and the wider societal implications of the action so far)
  • Address (URL) of the action's public website

Quality requirements
The summary must be suitable for direct publication by the Commission, especially:

  • easily understandable by a general audience
  • preferably not longer than 7,480 characters (roughly 2 pages)
  • with no confidential data

Other requirements

  • It must be a "stand-alone" text - no references to other parts of the report, only to publicly available information.
  • You can upload diagrams or photographs illustrating and promoting your project work (only as images and you must have cleared any rights of third parties advance)
  • Your website homepage should contain the EU flag (download an electronic version) and the name 'Horizon 2020'.

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2. Deliverables

  1. Submit data on each deliverable identified in Annex 1 of the GA (which also specifies the timing and conditions) - with comments if necessary - in the continuous reporting section.
  2. At the time the periodic report is submitted, check if all deliverables due are listed in the continuous reporting and you must enter an explanation (in the Comments column) for:
    • any departure from the scheduled deliverables (e.g. missing or late deliverables)
    • any deliverable that has been cancelled or grouped with another.

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3. Milestones

Specify whether the milestone was achieved or not. If not, enter an estimate of when.

The milestones table included in each periodic report is cumulative (it shows all milestones from the beginning of the project).

4. Ethical Issues - if applicable

Ethical Issues table is not available any more under continuous reporting. As of the changes in January 2016 all ethics requirements due after project start are automatically included in the grant agreement in the form of deliverables. These ethics deliverables are placed in an automatically generated work package called 'ethics requirements'. Please report on the follow up of your ethics requirements through the deliverable section.

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5. Critical implementation risks & mitigation measures

Assess the state of play of every risk identified in Annex 1 and if necessary specify new mitigation measures. You can add a new risk here without the need to make an amendment to your grant.

Foreseen risks table - Lists the risks identified in Annex 1. This table is read-only, a reference for the State of Play table.
Unforeseen risks - Enter here any unforeseen risk(s) and your proposal for risk-mitigation measures.
States of play for risk mitigation - Report on your risk-mitigation measures. If they have not been applied, you must say why.

6. Dissemination & exploitation of results

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Scientific publications

All publications must include the statement that the results were generated with the assistance of EU financial support (Article 38.1.2, GA).

You must report joint publications by:

  • public & private project participants
  • private/public project participants with public/private organisations outside the consortium (if related to the project).


You can find clarification in the periodic report template: you should report 'Both the joint publications coming from public and private project participants as well as from private/public project participants with public/private organisations outside the consortium (as long as they are related to the funded project)'.
The answer is YES to this question in the following cases:

  • Joint publication coming from public and private project participants (for instances two participants, one from public sector and another from private sector are authors of the publication)
  • Publication in which one or more participants from the public sector are authors, and the publication contains also author(s) from private sector who are not beneficiaries of the project
  • Publication in which one or more participants from the private sector are authors, and the publication contains also author(s) from public sector who are not beneficiaries of the project

Open access to peer-reviewed publications
You must ensure open access (free, online access for any user) to all peer-reviewed publications relating to your results (Article 29.2, GA).

Peer-reviewed publications
refer to publications that have been evaluated by peers, i.e. other scholars. The dominant type of peer-reviewed scientific publication is the journal article, for which open access in mandatory in Horizon 2020. In addition, however, beneficiaries are strongly encouraged to provide open access to other types of scientific publications, some of which may, in some cases, not be peer-reviewed, including monographs, books, conference proceedings and grey literature (informally published written material not controlled by scientific publishers, e.g. reports).

You are free to deposit your peer-reviewed publications in those repositories most appropriate for your subject and publication (for instance a thematic or institutional repository). But you must continuously report all publications related to your project in 1 of the following 3 ways:

  1. OpenAIRE
    For publications accessible via OpenAIRE, references to these publications (with link to the project ID) are displayed automatically in the reporting section of the Funding & Tenders Portal for the project.
    Simply check if the references are directly linked to the work performed within the project. If so, tick these publications as relevant and they will then be included in the table of publications when the report is generated.
  2. OpenAIRE
    links and federates existing repositories. As such it provides access to publications that have been deposited in all repositories that are technically interoperable with OpenAIRE ("OpenAIRE compliant")

  3. DOI
    For publications not registered via OpenAIRE, you must enter the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). All the other columns of the table will then be filled automatically.
  4. DOI - Digital Object Identifier
    Permanent identifier which should be a persistent link to the published version full text or abstract (if article is pay per view) or to the final manuscript accepted for publication (link to article in repository).

  5. No OpenAIRE or DOI
    you must manually enter the full reference data.


You must answer a number of other questions:

  • Peer-review - you can check in the system if the publication is peer-reviewed or not via 'title of publication' (the Peer-reviewed column will then be filled automatically with "YES" or "NO").
    If the system answers mistakenly that the publication is not peer-reviewed, you can change the answer by ticking the box "Peer-reviewed YES".
  • Open access - you have 3 options (Green OA - Access is granted after an embargo period, Gold OA - Paid open access (processing charges), or No open access).
    • Yes Green OA / Specify the length of embargo if any
    • Yes Gold OA / Specify the amount of processing charges, if any in €
    • No

Dissemination & communication activities

List only activities directly linked to the project, and the type of audience reached.

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Intellectual property rights resulting from the project

List here your applications for patents, trademarks, registered designs, utility model etc.

For each, specify at least 1 unique identifier (e.g. European Patent application reference).

One IPR can have several IP organisations, identifiers and applicants. For multiple applications to different offices covering the same IP (e.g. the same invention), you should only indicate 1 office.

If you have filed an application with the European Patent Office (EPO), only this application should be mentioned. If not, only mention the first application. The same principle applies to the publication number of award of protection.

[This table is cumulative – it shows all applications from the beginning until after the end of the project.]

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What the term means (for your report)
Innovation The introduction within a firm or market of a new or significantly improved:
  • product (good or service)
  • process
  • marketing method
  • organisational method (business practices, workplace organisation or external relations)
The minimum requirement for an innovation is that the product, process, marketing method or organisational method must be new (or significantly improved) to the firm.
Prototype, testing activities Proof of S&T feasibility: Results of innovation activities that confirm/verify the technical feasibility of new products and processes in a (near) operational environment.


  • prototypes & demonstrations of new products and processes
  • results of testing/piloting with users
  • trial production and pilot plants in manufacturing
  • trials & testing for services, such as how new technologies affect provision or how significant improvements in existing services perform
Clinical trials Systematic tests on human volunteers to ensure that new drugs, vaccines or treatments are both safe and effective and can be introduced to the market.
Product Good or service introduced to the market or to the company/organisation hat is new or significantly improved in its capabilities, usability, components or sub-systems.
Goods include packaged & downloadable software/music/film.
Process Production process, distribution method or supporting activity that was implemented within an organisation.
Method Refers to organisational method or marketing concept/strategy in business/organisational practices (including knowledge management).
  • organisational method - covers workplace organisation or external relations not previously used by your enterprise/organisation
  • marketing method - significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing that have not been used before

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7. Impact on SMEs

All projects with SME participants must include the following information in each periodic report:

  • turnover of the company (i) at the beginning of the project (or most recent accounting period before the beginning of the project) and (ii) in the most recent accounting period.
  • number of employees (i) at the beginning of the project (or most recent accounting period from the beginning of the project) and (ii) for the most recent accounting period.

Beneficiaries in SME instrument projects (type of action) must also give estimated turnover and employment figures for the next 3 years (for multi-beneficiary projects, the coordinator should provide figures for the whole project consortium).

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8. Open Research Data

All projects participating in the Open Research Data Pilot must use a Data Management Plan (DMP).

Other projects are requested to submit a plan if relevant for their planned research, but this is not obligatory.

If your dataset is:

  • openly accessible/reusable – give your Digital Object Identifier (DOI) (if available)
  • linked to a publication – give the DOI of the publication.

Accessible - means Open Access, defined as free internet access for anyone. Answer is "yes" if the open access to the data is already established or if it will be established after an embargo period.

Re-usability has 2 aspects:

  • technical - the technical standards used are compatible
  • legal - the necessary rights are in place for other users to use the dataset.

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9. Gender

Gender of R&D participants in the project

Answer the gender related questions here. For MSC Actions, the whole table is automatically filled.

Gender of R&D participants - participants means people actively participating and paid by the EU project .

Gender dimension in the project - this concept groups the various elements concerning biological characteristics and social/cultural factors of both women and men in the development of research policies, programmes and projects.

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10. Science with & for society

Only for projects under "Science with & for society" (SWAFS)

Tick the box if your project contributes to institutional change in any of the specific ways detailed in periodic report table. You can see the key examples of institutional change that projects may promote amongst their own partners and institutions, the wider scientific and stakeholder communities, civil society, as well as the intended target of the project. If you need to give more detail, please do so in part it in part B of the report.

Institutional change definition: projects can undertake actions and produce results that promote closer collaboration between science and society and greater responsiveness to the citizens' expectations. For instance, by spreading science education, by tackling gender equality issues, by fostering high ethical standards and by engaging with multiple actors (i.e.: citizens and civil society organisations, industry, policy makers and public authorities). These actions are defined as 'institutional change', because they contribute towards changing the governance of research and innovation, thereby bringing it closer to society.
Projects can contribute to institutional change directly, by having it as an explicit goal for their institution, for example the implementation of CSR, an ethics board, or a gender action plan in their institution. Projects can also contribute indirectly, for example the development of a code of conduct can be instrumental to drive change in the research practices of national and EU research institutions, or development and implementation of game-changing concepts such as 'privacy by design', that open new, responsible paths of innovation. Also, projects may foster other changes in research practice, such as collaboration with non-researchers (via open science, citizen science, trans-disciplinary science), that change how science institutions operate.

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11. Energy

Only for projects under societal challenge 3 "Secure, clean & efficient energy"

Where applicable, the coordinator must provide data related to identified indicators. In the system, the requests in the table will appear only for specific projects (you can check which are these projects mentioned in the second column in the paper template).

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12. Infrastructure

Only for projects under Infrastructure

Report here about the:

  • researchers who have transnational access to research infrastructure through EU support
  • research infrastructure made accessible to all researchers in Europe and beyond through EU support, and summary of transnational access provision for each installation and reporting period
  • Researchers who have access to research e-infrastructure through EU support
  • Columns with data already available will be pre-filled automatically. You only have to fill the corresponding column "Access provided in RPx".

Specific sections

Some sections of this list might not appear in your report, because your project has a different Type of Action or topic.

You can check details on the following specific sections in the IT help

  • Secondment tab for MSCA-IF projects
  • Researcher's Declaration
  • Custom questionnaire for HP-PJ/PC
  • Network-wide training activities for MSCA-ITN

You can check which module of the continuous reporting is supported by the IT tool per programme and per type of actions.


Update these sections before the periodic report is locked for review. All information is automatically compiled to create part A of every periodic technical report, at the moment the coordinator and beneficiaries finish the preparation of the periodic report and the coordinator submits the periodic report in the grant management system.

Please check here how the continuous reporting functionality fits into the full periodic reporting process.


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